I haven't blogged in awhile but I am happy to say that life has been pretty good to me during my absence. I've met lots of new people and had lots of new experiences. I've spent most of my time alone, but I find that being alone forces me to be honest with myself. I've stopped looking for the deeper meaning in everything...sometimes, a moment is just a moment and it is meant to be enjoyed, not analyzed. And, when it boils down to it, isn't that all life really is? A series of moments? Living in and for those moments has been increasingly freeing for my mind and my soul.
I may change my mind later(and I reserve the right to do so whenever I may please) but, as of now, my goal in life is not to make a name for myself. It is to travel, meet interesting people, & see the world. I may eventually decide to have children or settle in to one place, but not now. Not any time soon. I've been in Austin for 3 years and I still love it. But, I know that I'm going to move within the next couple of years. I think I will end up in Austin for good in the long-run, but I'm 26(in 2 days!) and I have a lot of places to see and embrace while I still can. That brings me to San Francisco...
I recently spent a full week there. For most of my 20's, I have been reluctant to acknowledge that California might be more than self-absorbed money-moguls, beaches, & plastic surgery. I guess growing up in the South instilled within me a massive amount of pride in where I come from and I didn't want to acknowledge that any other region of this country might be cultural. I will always, ALWAYS be a southern(and more importantly, a LOUISIANA) girl. But, California really won me over. I could get used to that life. One week definitely wasn't enough!
In my 7 days there, I ate good food, met great people, and saw some amazing scenery. I partied with locals, saw Paul McCartney in AT&T Park, hiked in Yosemite, and relaxed in the bountiful Wine Country. Pretty awesome, right? I know that living there(eventually) would afford me those experiences more often. I have seen what there is to see in Texas and in Louisiana. I do believe California is next on my list of states to dominate. :)
I'm going to attempt to keep this thing updated more often, but no promises. I have been focusing my creative energy on my music, which usually leaves me mentally exhausted. It still makes me immensely happy, so every little hiccup is so worth it. I have a possible last-minute gig Friday night and a huge showcase at Antone's on Sunday. I was hoping to debut some original tunes this time around, but as I mentioned, the process is taking longer than expected. So, here's my lineup for Sunday"
"Black" - Pearl Jam
"Just Like Heaven"- Watson Twins version
"Come Undone" - Duran Duran
"Proud Mary" -CCR
"In My Life" -Beatles
"With A Little Help From My Friends" - Beatles
"All You Need Is Love" - Beatles, full band
I'm pretty excited. I'm spending the remainder of my week rehearsing, as well as celebrating my 26th birthday. Can I just say how happy I am to be approaching my 30's? I'm so over my 20's...
Until next time!
"They hang like grapes on vines that shine
And warm the lover's glass like friendly wine
So, I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California Stars"
-"California Stars", Billy Bragg and Wilco
I really, REALLY hope to get back out to San Fran sometime soon. It really is amazing. So glad you had such a good time.