Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Austin Nights

Guitar jammin'. Hole-in-the-wall bar, having beers with great friends. Coming home to crawl drunkenly into bed with my beloved husband. Knowing that I'm getting up to go to a job that I love in the morning.

These things make me smile....especially when they all happen on the same Austin evening. I've been so out of touch with this town lately. I've been giving so much love to New Orleans(& rightfully so) that I temporarily blanked on all of the amazing things that I love about Austin. This place & it's people are so incredible. I'm so grateful that the universe brought me here & continues to send amazing people & experiences my way. This town has made so much happen for my life. I am forever indebted.

Tonight may have seemed like a run-of-the-mill type of night around town, but I felt something that I haven't felt in awhile; a connection. My life is beautiful. I forget that sometimes. But, you can't really fault a person for always wanting a little bit more. It keeps life exciting!

So, to the entity that made tonight a night for laughter, reckless abandon, & great relationships, I thank you. I hope in the next life, you bring me back to be me again, because moments like these make everything worth while.

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